Ijtimoiy hayot. 1998 yil

Education. Science.

March. In Tashkent a conference dedicated to the 1200th anniversary of Ahmada al-Fargoni was held.  

May 20-21. A conference "History of the peoples of Central Asia and historiography" in "Uzbekistan on the threshhold of the 21st c: threats to security, conditions of progress" by President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov was held.

May 22. A resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On measures to improve the work of the University of world economy and diplomacy" (UMED) was issued.  

June 3. The 5th national conference "Independent Uzbekistan: actual problems of science, philosophy and law" was held.  

September 16. The 125th anniversary of the founding of the Ulugbek astronomical institute was held.  

September 22-24. The seminar "Regional problems of the environment" was organzied by the OSCE in Tashklent.  

September 23. A resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On the program of development for academic lycees and professional colleges for 1999-2005" was issued.  

November 6. Participants in the 155th session of UNESCO in Uzbekistan headed by UNESCO director Federico Maior took part in opening the Ulugbek physics department sponsored by UNESCO at the Tashkent state university. The Japanese scientist A. Nakamura will head the department. At UMED a UNESCO document on organizing a department of human rights, democracy, tolerance was signed.  

November 19. A resolution of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov on supporting Uzbek students studying abroad to better use their potential in state, social and other structures was issued.  

November. In Bukhara the first academic lycee was opened.  

In Tashkent a conference on "Prospects of microstrucutres of hard and soft materials: science and technology" was held.  

Culture and social life.  

January 10. The magazine Kore sinmuan began publishing in Korean and Russian.  

Januaryt 30. A resolution of the Oliy Majlis "On awarding President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov the Amir Temur medal was issued.  

February 4. The center Social opinion was founded, with director R.Ubaidullaeva.  

April 9. Amir Temur's birthday was celebrated throughout the country.  

May. The seminar for CIS journalists on economic development and cooperation was held in Tashkent.  

June 25. The book by President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov "Uzbekistan on the threshhold of the 21st c: threats to security, conditions of progress" was published in Israel in Hebrew and presented in Tel Aviv.  

August 7. The 80th anniversary of the journal Uzbekistan Press was celebrated.  

August 20. In Beruni a monument to Abu Reihan Beruni was begun.  

September. The first number of San'at journal of the Academy of artists was issued.  

The first number of Auto-restige was issued.  

October 17. The new book by President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov "Uzbekistan on the road to a great future" was issued.  

Health. Sport.  

January. In Tashkent the seminar for doctors in the countryside was held.  

February. The gymnastics competition Uzbekistan Cup was held in Tashkent.  

February. The first international badminton competition was held in Tashkent.  

April 10. The founding conference for invalid sportsmen was held.  

May 19-23. In Samarkand the sports games Universiada-98 was held.  

May. In Kokand the competition Hamshira-98 was held for nurses. The winner, Hurshida Temirova, won a Tiko.  

June 5. The 18th session of the Uzbek Red Crescent society was held in Tashkent.  

August 11. In Bukhara the regional cardiological center for 100 patients opened.  

October. In Karshi the Great Silk Road tennis competition opened.  

In Cairo WHO held a conference dedicated to eradicating polyomelitis. Uzbekistan took part.  

November 10. A decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov "On the state program of reforming health" was issued.  

November 13-15. In Termez the first national festival of national sports dedicated to the epic Alpamysh was held. Ten sports were displayed.  

November. At the rowing competition in Seoul, Uzbek rowers won gold, silver and bronze medals.  

November. In Tashkent an international basketball competition was held.  

December 10. In Tashkent a conference on nervous disorders in women was held.  

December 22. In Bangkok the 13th Asian games took place. Uzbek boxers won 9 out of 10 medals. The games' top athletes were Ruslan Chagaev, Muhammadkadyr Abdullaev and Sergei Mihailov. Uzbekistan placed in the top 10 with 40 medals.