In the Scientific and Educational Memorial Complex named after the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov at the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan has held a meeting of the contest commissioners for taking up works, presented for the contest “The best popular science article devoted to the memory of Islam Karimov”. In addition, the representatives of the mass media also took part in its work.
The contest is held on the threshold of the 80th anniversary of Islam Karimov in order to perpetuate the memory and historical role of the First President of the country, his enormous contribution to gaining independence, building national statehood, and popularizing his heritage.
The mass media widely covered the holding of this contest. Until December 31, 2017, author's materials are accepted, published in 2016-2017 in national and foreign newspapers and magazines, internet editions.
In the period of the contest from July 6, 2017 till the completion of the acceptance of the articles, on December 31, 2017 more than 870 materials were received by the contest commission from the citizens of our country and foreign authors in Uzbek, Karakalpak, Russian, English, French, Italian, Chinese, German, Japanese, Arabic, Korean, Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Turkmen, Kyrgyz languages.
Among them, there are books, brochures, films, collections of poems, poems, web pages, and unpublished reports, written by teachers, students of universities, academic lyceums, professional colleges and schools. Unfortunately, these works, and other materials received after the end of the contest, are not considered.
During the meeting, noted that for justice consideration of the presented articles in the composition of the contest commission are takes part qualified specialists, scientists, historians, writers, journalists, representatives of the public at large.
The estimation of content works is carried out on a five-point system, taking into account the novelty and degree of disclosure of the topic, the accordance of the content of an article about historical reality, the wide spread of using by the author of scientific sources, and the scientific and artistic level of the article.
For the winners of the contest are established special diplomas and cash bonus, as well as incentive prizes.