January 3. The law "On establishing the Day of teachers" was published. It is October 1 and is a nonworking holiday. |
May 4. The law "On the authority of the Oliy Majlis human rights ombudsman" was passed at the 8th session of the Oliy Majlis.
May 21. The law "On the chamber of producers and entrepreneurs" was passed at the 8th session of the Oliy Majlis.
July 8. A decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov "On establishing the state tax committee of the RU" was issued.
August 29-30. The 9th session of the Oliy Majlis, first convocation was held. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov spoke about the "National program for preparing specialists and educational reforms".
September 12. The regular session of the Association of judges of Uzbekistan was held. It confirmed the statutes, ethical code of judges and other documents.
September 19. The law "On state tax service" was published.
October 7. The law "On the national program for training specialists" was published.
October 21-22. The international seminar on "International law on refugees" was held.
October 23. The "Civil procedural code of the RU" was published to come into effect as of January 1998. There are 5 divisions and 391 articles. 1 - general procedures. 2 - court procedure first instance. 3 - appeals. 4 - execution of court resolutions. 5 - participation in civil procedures of foreign civil organizations and stateless persons.
October 30. The law "On state customs service" was published and brought into effect.
November 4. The law "National program for raising legal culture in society" was published, confirming the resolution of the Oliy Majlis of 29.8.97.